WDU Digniblog
Dear Friend!
This is a story of an opera and how it applies to the need to build a world worth living in, for our children and all beings, and the obstacles on the path to get there. Modern-day topics such as terrorism and gender relations are part of this quest. This text starts with a brief description of the opera, and then addresses its relevance for the transition toward a world that manifests the ideals of the French Revolution of liberté, égalité, and fraternité, a motto that is also at the core of modern-day human rights ideals: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood (and sisterhood).” You are invited to read more here.
Evelin, November 26, 2015
Dear Friend!
This is a story of an opera and how it applies to deep questions about the nature of reality, of what is and ought to be. These questions pertain also to modern-day topics such as terrorism, gender relations, or music theory. This little text starts with a brief description of the opera, and then addresses its relevance to concepts of masculinity, love, and music. You are invited to read more here.
Evelin, November 22, 2015
- The Journey of Humiliation and Dignity, and the Significance of the Year 1757
- Reflections on Tannhäuser, Terrorism, Revolution, and Economism
- Mass Shootings: A Missing Link, A Common Denominator
- Reflections on the 25th Dignity Conference in Rwanda in June 2015
- Good News: 2015 Nobel Peace Prize Nomination!
- Good News from the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies Movement, December 2014